Second FIXER review

New review

I am no stranger to getting reviews.  I’ve been collecting them– all very lovely, thank you– for a couple of years now.  But they’ve all been for Immortal and Hellenic Immortal and it’s funny, but after a while you just sort of get used to it.  I know that sounds like a horribly, horribly jaded humblebrag, but it’s really true: after a while a new review makes you go, “okay cool” and then you go back to whatever you were doing before.Fixer_Hi-Res_Cover

But Fixer is different, because I really, genuinely do not know how you’re all going to respond to it because it’s a completely different story and premise, and stylistically an utterly different book from what came before.

So I’m always delighted to see good things said about it, which means for a while I’ll probably be posting every new review I can get my hands on, including the GoodReads reviews.

Like this one:

The very smart (bring your whole brain with you), very witty(you’ll want to highlight stuff just like I did) story that Gene Doucette has written is told in a fitting-but-frenzied manner.

Take a second to follow this link and read the whole review.  And while you’re there be sure to sign up for the GoodReads giveaway.

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  1. Sandi on December 14, 2012 at 11:40 am

    “…horribly jaded humblebrag…” — is that a Doucette original?

    • genedoucette on December 14, 2012 at 12:00 pm

      Yup, you have to attribute that to me going forward.

      • Sandi on December 14, 2012 at 1:40 pm

        I rather thought it might be. *smile* I’ll keep it in mind.

        • genedoucette on December 14, 2012 at 1:48 pm

          Well in fairness, I didn’t invent the phrase “humblebrag”

          • Sandi on December 14, 2012 at 1:56 pm

            Aw, I’m disappointed. lol It seems so YOU.

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