I hate editing
I haven’t felt like a writer in months For the past few weeks I have been working on a rewrite – slash – edit – slash – reworking of a novel of mine called Fixer, about which you have likely heard almost nothing because I haven’t discussed it except in passing before now. At the…
Read MoreUniversal appeal
Playwriting topically Back when I was a younger man– last week! I swear!– and getting my hands dirty in the craft of playwriting, I spent a lot of time worrying about one thing in particular: will the play I’m writing work for an audience ten years from now? Will it work for an audience fifty…
Read MoreBlog Review: Immortal
New blog review The latest review of Immortal comes from fellow novelist Spencer Seidel: Immortal’s fast-paced plot and collection of interesting and surprising characters will have you turning pages. It’s a hard book to put down and one of those books that make you wish the story was real… Read the full review here
Read MoreMerry Writer's Christmas
Riting iz easy A while ago a distant relative of mine contacted me with some questions as to how he might go about making a living as a novelist. He was not at that time a writer, but liked to read and thought it might be a good way to make a living. I didn’t…
Read MoreAssociated Content Review–IMMORTAL
Associated Content A new review posted this afternoon for Immortal… Immortal is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy adventure with a sense of humor. I was drawn into the story immediately by the author’s sense of historical irony, the moral yet flawed main character, and the fact that anything – literally – could happen next… (Full review here) —Mary…
Read MorePromoting in a social media world
Leading horses to water Promoting a novel can be extremely challenging, and in ways that are different from promoting a website or a toy or a machine that goes *ping* at regular intervals. Novels are subjectively enjoyable, frequently disappointing, and an unavoidable commitment. Nobody wants to get stuck reading a bad one, or worse, having…
Read MoreImmortal Review: Night Owl Paranormal
Night Owl Paranormal I have been terribly negligent when it comes to back-linking and promoting new reviews of Immortal. Here is one, with more to follow. This is what good science fiction should be, believable yet fantastic…. See the full review here
Read MoreCatching up
Picking up various bits of story here and there Blogging is a funny thing. Sometimes a topic just hits you and you can’t wait to write it down. Sometimes, you have nothing, and then the fact that you have nothing becomes a Thing, because you know you should blog if only to keep people from…
Read MoreMary Sues and assholes
On the notion of the Mary Sue and the ubiquity of fan fiction I’m a fairly non-social writer, by which I mean when I’m working on something I’m alone with it until I’m reasonably certain it’s truly and actually done. I have not historically taken advantage of writing groups or posted partials for comment, or…
Read MoreImmortal press release
Immortal press release I’d like to say I finally got around to writing and releasing a press release for Immortal, but the truth is, between freaking out about the launch party (tomorrow) and getting sick with some manner of death flu, it never crossed my mind. Fortunately, the Twitter community is paying attention, and in…
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