My latest promotional gambit

Advance Review Copies

If there is a God and/or a decent mail service out there, I’ll be holding the Immortal advance review copies (ARC’s) in my hand when I get home this evening.

ARC’s are book copies produced by publishers prior to a book’s formal release.  These copies go out to reviewers, writers, and otherwise famous persons so that they might read it and provide a “blurb” for the cover or inside jacket.  I have somewhere in the neighborhood of twelve people who have either gotten e-versions of the book or are getting print versions this week, and hopefully all of them can send us something back to help promote the book prior to its formal release on 10/1/10.

cover art by Charles Davis

It has been a long road.  I’m looking forward to those books.

GoodReads book promotion

One of the other things ARC’s are good for is giveaways, especially since they are not for resale.  As you know, I spent a good portion of the past week or two familiarizing myself with a site called GoodReads.  This is a site that is VERY friendly to authors; if you are an author and not on it, you should fix that immediately.

The “giveaway” feature on GoodReads is particularly awesome.  I’ve listed two copies– ARC’s– of Immortal there, and by doing so I’m getting free advertising.  Hundreds of people who have a very small chance, statistically, of getting one of the copies are reading the book description and (hopefully) getting interested.  If you want to be one of those people, click here.

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