Hellenic Immortal blog tour kickoff
A big week
The official release of Hellenic Immortal is on May 3rd, which is somewhere between forever and minutes from now, depending on my mood. To kick off the event we will be having a good old fashioned big-ass blog tour! Herewith, the badge for said big-ass blog tour!
To start things off we have a few reviews.
Over at Great Minds Think Aloud comes a great review of Immortal by Tracy, who appears to have liked the book quite a lot. (Why a review of Immortal for a blog tour promoting Hellenic Immortal? Because we’re promoting both books this week.)
At Cafe Art Space you’ll find a nice review of Hellenic Immortal waiting for you there.
And finally, at Ja Citam, A Ti? you will find a review of Immortal waiting for you there. Mercifully, in English.
Blogs will be updating more than once a day all week, and I will do my best to keep you all updated.