Publication Dates

Immortal at the Edge of the WorldImmortal-Edge-of-World-Low-Res-Cover

Four months from today, you will be able to buy your copy of the third book in the Immortal series, Immortal at the Edge of the World.  The publication date is set for October 2, 2014.

Preordering is not yet possible, but you can bookmark it on GoodReads.

Hard-Boiled Immortal

In only one week you will be able to pick up a copy of the second short story in The Immortal ChroniclesHard-Boiled Immortal.  The first book, Immortal at Sea, has been out for a few weeks now, and if you don’t own it yet we can’t be friends any more.GeneDoucette_HardBoiledImmortal1400

You can add Hard-Boiled Immortal to your GoodReads here.

Adam is on Tumblr

Your favorite immortal narrator also has a Tumblr account of his own!

Actually, he’s had it for a while, but I couldn’t convince him to use it.  Now he’s getting more involved–he’s also doing more on Twitter and will be visiting Facebook again soon–so please add him to your Tumblr when you get a chance.

And as always, please join the mailing list so I can keep you updated!


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  1. WyndyDee on June 2, 2014 at 6:43 pm

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