

“…if your next question is, what could that possibly make me, if I’m not an angel or a god? The answer is the same as what I said before: many have considered me a god, and probably a few have thought of me as an angel. I’m neither, if those positions are defined by any kind of supernormal magical power. True magic of that kind doesn’t exist, but I can do things that may appear magic to someone slightly more tethered to their mortality. I’m a woman, and that’s all. What may make me different from the next woman is that it’s possible I’m the very first one…”

For most of humankind, the woman calling herself Eve has been nothing more than a shock of red hair glimpsed out of the corner of the eye, in a crowd, or from a great distance. She’s been worshipped, feared, and hunted, but perhaps never understood. Now, she’s trying to reconnect with the world, and finding that more challenging than anticipated.

Can the oldest human on Earth rediscover her own humanity? Or will she decide the world isn’t worth it?

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The Immortal Chronicles Volumes 1-5


Adam has a lot of stories to tell, which is fair given he’s been alive for over sixty-thousand years. All of the stories are interesting, many involve alcohol, and five are collected for the first time in The Immortal Chronicles!

The books in this collection take Adam from the Barbary Coast of the 1500’s, to England at the turn of the 19th century, Vienna of 1815, Chicago in the 1930’s, and 1950’s New York. He spends time with pirates and assassins, a succubus, a shape-shifting monster, a madman who can see the future, and Santa Claus.

The Immortal Chronicles is an ongoing series of novellas from Adam, the star narrator of the Immortal Novel trilogy (IMMORTAL, HELLENIC IMMORTAL and IMMORTAL AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD.) Collected here for the first time: IMMORTAL AT SEA, HARD-BOILED IMMORTAL, IMMORTAL AND THE MADMAN, YULETIDE IMMORTAL and REGENCY IMMORTAL.

Catch up with Adam now!

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The Immortal Series: Volumes 1-3


The first three books in the Immortal Series, in one box set!

Book one: Immortal

Surviving sixty thousand years takes cunning and more than a little luck. But in the twenty-first century, Adam confronts new dangers—someone has found out what he is, a demon is after him, and he has run out of places to hide.Worst of all, he has had entirely too much to drink.

Immortal is a first person confessional penned by a man who is immortal, but not invincible. In an artful blending of sci-fi, adventure, fantasy, and humor, Immortal introduces us to a world with vampires, demons and other “magical” creatures, yet a world without actual magic.

Book two: Hellenic Immortal

An oracle has predicted the sojourner’s end, which is a problem for Adam insofar as he has never encountered an oracular prediction that didn’t come true . . . and he is the sojourner. To survive, he’s going to have to figure out what a beautiful ex-government analyst, an eco-terrorist, a rogue FBI agent, and the world’s oldest religious cult all want with him, and fast.

And all he wanted when he came to Vegas was to forget about a girl. And maybe have a drink or two.

Book three: Immortal at the Edge of the World

In his very long life, Adam had encountered only one person who seemed to share his longevity: the mysterious red-haired woman. She appeared throughout history, usually from a distance, nearly always vanishing before he could speak to her.

In his last encounter, she actually did vanish—into thin air, right in front of him. The question was how did she do it? To answer, Adam will have to complete a quest he gave up on a thousand years earlier, for an object that may no longer exist.

If he can find it, he might be able to do what the red-haired woman did, and if he can do that, maybe he can find her again and ask her who she is . . . and why she seems to hate him.

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Immortal: Last Call


“I’m something like sixty-thousand years old, and I’ve probably thought more about my own death than any living being has thought about any subject, ever. I used to be unduly preoccupied with what might constitute a “good death”, although interestingly, this has always been an after-the-fact analysis. What I mean is, following a near-death experience, I’ll generally perform a quiet review of the circumstances and judge whether that death would have been objectively good, by whatever metric one uses for that kind of thing. I’m not nearly that self-reflective while in the midst of said near-death experience. Facing death, the predominant thought is always not like this.”

A disease threatening the lives of everyone—human and non-human—has been loosed upon the world, by an arch-enemy Adam didn’t even know he had.

That’s just the first of his problems. Adam’s also in jail, facing multiple counts of murder, at least a few of which are accurate. He may never see the inside of a courtroom, because there remains a bounty on his head—put there by the aforementioned arch-enemy—that someone is bound to try to collect while he’s stuck behind bars.

Meanwhile, Adam’s sitting on some tantalizing evidence that there might be a cure, but to find it, he’s going to have to get out of jail, get out of the country, and track down the man responsible. He can’t do any of that alone, but he also can’t rely on any of his non-human friends for help, not when they’re all getting sick.

What he needs is a particularly gifted human, who can do things no other human is capable of. He knows one such person. He calls himself a fixer, and he’s Adam’s—and possibly the world’s—last hope. That’s provided he believes any of it.

Immortal: Last Call is the sixth book in the Immortal Novel Series, and also the end of a long journey for one immortal man.

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