Posts Tagged ‘Social Media’
Social networking, the sequel
More places to find me I have expanded the places in which you can find my random mutterings, musings and meanderings. I had no solid reason for doing this aside from the boredom that comes with waiting for a book release and a dearth of new things to write. (I am researching for the third Immortal book…
Read MoreIndie Book Event Random Musings, Part One
A weekend in New York As you are (perhaps) aware, I spent this past Saturday in New York City attending the Indie Book Event. It was tremendous fun, I’d met some people I had only chanced upon previously when online, there was press coverage, and I got very little sleep. It’s this last thing that…
Read MorePromoting in a social media world
Leading horses to water Promoting a novel can be extremely challenging, and in ways that are different from promoting a website or a toy or a machine that goes *ping* at regular intervals. Novels are subjectively enjoyable, frequently disappointing, and an unavoidable commitment. Nobody wants to get stuck reading a bad one, or worse, having…
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