FIXER blog tour stop: My Fiction Nook

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Happy Fixer blog tour day!

As you can see from the handy banner on the right, the tour will go from today through March 30th, which brings us right through the official release date of March 21st.


I don’t know about you but I’m kind of jazzed to have finally gotten here.  If you want an idea of exactly how jazzed, well, I finished Fixer’s first draft in 2006.

It has been a long wait.

First stop: an excerpt

The first stop on the tour brings us back to My Fiction Nook, where you may recall seeing a review of Fixer posted earlier in the week.

Today an excerpt from the book is being featured.  The section chosen concerns one of the secondary characters in the book and the first time he meets the main character, Corrigan Bain.  You can see the excerpt here.

And also

I got a box last night.  It was full of these things.


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