FIXER Blog Tour: Review from Popcorn Reads, guest blog with Girl-Who-Reads
Today in Fixer reviews
This leg of the blog tour brings us to Popcorn Reads where we find a lovely new review of Fixer:
You don’t have to be a sci-fi fan to like this mystery, but it will probably help. You also don’t have to be a geek to enjoy the time distortion elements–no long-winded time/string theory dissertations to wade through but just enough information to make it plausible. I literally couldn’t put this one down, which surprised me.
Guest article with the Girl-Who-Reads
I also wrote a guest entry for the Girl-Who-Reads website, for her Writer Wednesday. The subject is “what is my favorite scene in Fixer, and the answer is complicated:
there are a good number of nifty bits of writing I’m really proud of. Like this sentence: “Down the down the down the hall red line to the follow the elevator floor first floor to the follow the red line corridor down the corridor to the set of second set of elevators elev seventh floor seventh floor.” You have to trust me, this makes complete sense in context.
You can also take a look at Donna’s review of Fixer, which debuted last month, here.