Cover reveal: Immortal and the Island of Impossible Things

We’ve had a lot of cover reveals around here lately, thanks to the reissue of all my novels. Preparing those books took up most of my summer which means I haven’t gotten around to publishing something new (except for the audiobook for The Spaceship Next Door) since way back in December of 2015.

In the traditional publishing market, one book a year is almost unreasonably prolific, but in this indie/self-publishing market I find myself in now, it’s dangerously leisurely.

But hey, good news! I’ve also been working on new stuff here and there. The first of those new things is going to be a fourth book in the Immortal novel series, which I’m sure you can’t wait to read. (I can’t wait to read it either; I hope I finish writing it soon!) I can promise it by the end of 2016, but I’m going to hold off on putting down an exact publishing date for now.

I can, however, give you a cover, and a title.

Here it is…


Are you excited? I’m excited.

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  1. Tina on October 19, 2016 at 11:05 am

    Eaaak very excited! Just finished Eve, so hoping that she finds Adam and I get to hear all about it!

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