IMMORTAL for $0.99

You can own Immortal, the book that started it all, for only $0.99 starting today, 5/7, until 5/31. If you haven’t read it, now’s your chance!  If you have friends who have resisted all your past demands that they read this book, now is THEIR chance! It’s the book that leads to Hellenic Immortal and Immortal at the Edge…

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Immortal at Sea for free

An introduction to the Immortal Chronicles As of today, you can own a copy of Immortal at Sea for free from just about everywhere.  Here are the links: iTunes Nook Kobo Google Play Smashwords If you’re reading this, you probably already own a copy of Immortal at Sea but I’m betting you know a lot of people who…

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SFWA and me

Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America Back in 2012, I was enjoying the first big success of my career.  Immortal had taken off–not in the mega-best-seller sense, but in the “oh shit, I’m making real money” sort of way.  That might not sound like a huge deal to you unless you happen to also be…

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The Kindle Select Dilemma

Decisions Here’s a sentence that probably doesn’t make sense if you aren’t self-publishing things right now: I’m not sure if I should stay exclusive to Amazon or not. That seems like a pretty silly statement, because sure, Amazon’s Kindle accounts for most of the ebook sales, but why limit my books to just that one…

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Hard-Boiled Immortal on iTunes, Nook, Kobo

New ways to read Adam Hard-Boiled Immortal, the second book in The Immortal Chronicles, is now available on Nook and Kobo, and as a pre-order on iTunes with a release date of 12/16.  (No link to the iTunes, which is app-based.  It’s there, though!) Why book two first? Here’s the thing.  I wanted to start moving the Chronicles…

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Preordering available for Immortal at the Edge of the World

Preorder your ebook copy today As of this morning you can order your very own ebook copy of Immortal at the Edge of the World from Amazon, and also from iBooks.  Below is a link to the Amazon page, since iBooks is app-based, which makes it frustratingly difficult to link to. ORDER YOUR COPY NOW You don’t even…

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Pick it up Starting today and lasting for one week, Sapphire Blue is available on e-book for only $0.99.  Pick up a copy!  And then tell other people to do the same! And then steal this banner!

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SAPPHIRE BLUE and the challenge of a new genre

Some words *   *   * In instances such as this, with a book that is seriously the biggest mindfuck EVER, I struggle to even wrap my head around what I just got done reading…. *   *   * I have been rendered speechless many times after reading a book for a whole…

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FIXER release day

Happy Fixer release day! It’s finally here!  Fixer is now available for purchase from (most of) your favorite online retailers in e-book and print form. *applause* Here are some links for you: Amazon Kindle edition Amazon Print edition IBooks Barnes & Noble Print edition Direct from The Writer’s Coffee Shop, Print and E-book (Note: The Nook edition…

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FIXER available for pre-order

Direct from the publisher We are four weeks away from Fixer‘s official debut, which means you’re four weeks away from having the book you can pre-order right now sent to you! Okay, that’s probably the worst pitch I’ve ever written, but it’s the middle of the day, on a Friday, and I’m hitting an afternoon food…

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