SFWA and me
Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America
Back in 2012, I was enjoying the first big success of my career. Immortal had taken off–not in the mega-best-seller sense, but in the “oh shit, I’m making real money” sort of way. That might not sound like a huge deal to you unless you happen to also be a writer, and then maybe it does.
It was kind of a big deal, anyway. Big enough that I wondered what I could do with this success, however modest and/or transitory it might be.
One of the things I checked out was the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America. Immortal and the sequel, Hellenic Immortal had been best-selling on Amazon for five months in multiple SF/F categories. Surely I could meet the minimum membership requirements on that alone?
I couldn’t. What I had made in royalties far exceeded the minimum monetary threshold I needed to prove, and I had a publisher–I hadn’t self-published either book. But I didn’t have the right kind of publisher, and I hadn’t earned that minimum the right sort of way.
Basically, the money had to be in an advance, and that advance had to come from a publisher on their list of approved publishers, and it didn’t look like there was a lot of flexibility on either point.
Even for 2012–which was just at the start of the ebook revolution–this was breathtakingly behind-the-times, but I was in no position to do anything about it other than decide, oh well, I guess I won’t be joining SFWA.
Well, good news: I just joined SFWA.
The organization came to more or less the same conclusion I had back in 2012, and just changed the bylaws to allow for somewhat more flexibility in the application process. There is still a not-immodest minimum earning threshold ($3,000 from one novel in a calendar year) but I could meet it, and so I’m in.
What does this mean for the future? I have no idea just yet. But I’m pretty excited about that future.
In other news
I’ve added Yuletide Immortal to iTunes and Nook. (I haven’t given up on publishing wide yet!) I’m still woefully behind on Kobo and Google Play but will keep everyone updated on progress there.
I’m looking into establishing a more robust web page for Adam and all his adventures (and for Corrigan Bain and all of his) and hope to have something to show all of you in the next few months. With a more up-to-date landing page I’m anticipating being able to do some more things for all of you, like, I dunno, T-shirts?
Something, anyway.
If you have an idea of what you’d like to see in an Adam the Immortal website, drop me a note here.