Social Media
Yuletide Immortal excerpt
Christmas comes early We are now only four days away–December second– from the debut of the newest novella from Adam the immortal, Yuletide Immortal! I’m marking the occasion with a Thunderclap social media blast that will go out on Noon of the release day, and I can always use more help with that. Specifically, if you follow this…
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Social media promotion I’m trying something a little new for the Yuletide Immortal release. It’s a promotion through a free service called Thunderclap, and it’s really simple: when participants agree to help they are allowing Thunderclap to post a promotional announcement automatically through one–or all three–of the media listed (Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr). Once you’ve agreed and…
Read MoreAuthor Gene Doucette
Facebook People, I have been on Facebook for so long now that when I joined my children were scandalized by the news. This is how you tell a social network is The Latest Thing, incidentally: if your teenage kids have to sit down and think about whether or not they’re okay with you using it.…
Read MoreSocial networking, the sequel
More places to find me I have expanded the places in which you can find my random mutterings, musings and meanderings. I had no solid reason for doing this aside from the boredom that comes with waiting for a book release and a dearth of new things to write. (I am researching for the third Immortal book…
Read MoreThe Year of IMMORTAL: a prehistory
We’re looking back at the first year in the life of the indie published book Immortal. Join us, as we reminisce and speak in first person plural for no reason. Before the beginning The official publication date for Immortal was 10-1-10, which was a perfect binary day despite actually being a Friday and thus a very…
Read MoreIndie Book Event Random Musings, Part Two
More musings I’m still talking about the Indie Book Event, held last Saturday in New York City. In all likelihood I will not need for there to be a part three, but who knows? As I continue therapy, more things may come back to me. Check out part one here Like a second grader Here…
Read MoreIndie Book Event Random Musings, Part One
A weekend in New York As you are (perhaps) aware, I spent this past Saturday in New York City attending the Indie Book Event. It was tremendous fun, I’d met some people I had only chanced upon previously when online, there was press coverage, and I got very little sleep. It’s this last thing that…
Read MoreRinging in the New Year
It has been quite a year I have a bad habit of focusing on things that haven’t happened yet rather than stepping back and looking behind me at what has been accomplished. This tunnel vision quality is sometimes very useful, such as when I’m writing a novel, but maybe less useful in other settings, such…
Read MorePromoting in a social media world
Leading horses to water Promoting a novel can be extremely challenging, and in ways that are different from promoting a website or a toy or a machine that goes *ping* at regular intervals. Novels are subjectively enjoyable, frequently disappointing, and an unavoidable commitment. Nobody wants to get stuck reading a bad one, or worse, having…
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