Posts Tagged ‘Two Suns at Sunset’
The Madness of Kings on sale NOW!
The Madness of Kings, the second book in Tandemstar: The Outcast Cycle is available as of today! Pick it up wherever you buy your books, in whichever format you prefer: ebook, print, audio. Here’s a link to the book page, and a non-exhaustive list of links. and if you haven’t read book one, Two Suns at…
Read MoreTandemstar: The Madness of Kings on preorder!
We’re making all of the announcements here at once today, folks, because The Madness of Kings, the second book in Tandemstar: The Outcast Cycle, is officially available to preorder, and, it has a cover that you haven’t seen yet! First off, here’s that cover! Second, here are the links to preorder the book. (Ebook only. Print…
Read MoreTandemstar: Two Suns at Sunset release day!
It’s here! The first book in Tandemstar: The Outcast Cycle is now available. You can pick up Two Suns at Sunset in whatever your preferred format—ebook, print, audio—from…well, pretty much wherever you want. Your library may not have it yet and your bookstore might not have it on the shelves yet, but they can, which is…
Read MoreTandemstar: Two Suns at Sunset excerpt
We’re one week away from the release day for book one of Tandemstar: The Outcast Cycle —Two Suns at Sunset This seems like a good time for a sneak peek at the book! Enjoy! Two Suns at Sunset Chapter One The clanging on the radiator pipe woke up Makk about ten minutes before his…
Read MoreTandemstar: Two Suns at Sunset in audio
Way back in the halcyon days of, oh, April, 2019, I made a number of discrete choices regarding how to plan out the next few years of my writing career. They were as follows: write a standalone apocalypse book to sell to the publisher; plan and self-publish a new sci-fi series to fill in the…
Read MoreTandemstar: World Map
I have learned, over the years, that I’m not the most visual of people. When presented with a list of numbers (an Excel sheet, say) and a graph of those same numbers, I learn more from the list than from the graph. Worse, when presented with only the graph, I generally need someone to either explain…
Read MoreThe Tandemstar project
Just about a year ago, I had an idea for something bigger. At the time, the sixth book of the Immortal series, Immortal: Last Call didn’t yet exist. (Although I had begun writing it.) I knew it was going to end up being the final book for Adam, if not forever then for a while. Understand that for…
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