Promoting in a social media world

Leading horses to water Promoting a novel can be extremely challenging, and in ways that are different from promoting a website or a toy or a machine that goes *ping* at regular intervals.  Novels are subjectively enjoyable, frequently disappointing, and an unavoidable commitment. Nobody wants to get stuck reading a bad one, or worse, having…

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International and electronic Immortal

Death of the “local” customer As I have discussed before, the e-book revolution sort of took me by surprise.  I still like paper books, but I’m coming to realize that every day I cling to them is another day for me to look like a guy on horseback on a freeway. And I’m still trying…

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Promoting Immortal

The month in summary It has been quite a good month for Immortal, the little novel that could, but only after six years of couldn’t.  On penalty of death, I can’t mention specific sales numbers, but if you count both the books bought through Amazon and from my personal supply… well, we did okay. And…

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Catching up

Picking up various bits of story here and there Blogging is a funny thing.  Sometimes a topic just hits you and you can’t wait to write it down.  Sometimes, you have nothing, and then the fact that you have nothing becomes a Thing, because you know you should blog if only to keep people from…

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But I don't get sick

I’m looking for someone to blame Readers, I don’t get sick very often.  I try to maintain a decent diet, I bike to work nine months out of the year, and… okay, I also smoke 4-6 cigarettes a day, but only the additive-free kind!  (Yes, in Cambridge we even go green with our bad habits.)…

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Amazon comes through Against all conceivable odds, Amazon has successfully listed Immortal in time for its official release date, meaning it is available for ordering RIGHT NOW! Follow the link below to order your copy! IMMORTAL on Amazon Some details The listing is imperfect, and because this is Amazon, changes are going to take a…

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Immortal: a short delay

Publishing is F-U-N! I held off on formally announcing this for as long as I could, but it looks as if there is going to be a delay in availability for Immortal.  How big?  Five or six days. Not big, in other words.  But since I’ve been touting the very entertaining 10-1-10 release date for…

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While we're waiting

That hiss you hear is my head imploding slowly Officially, Immortal is out at the end of this week.  I say “officially” only because there are things that have to get done in a certain order for the release to actually happen entirely on schedule, and since they haven’t all happened yet, my cynical “I’ve…

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Immortal on

I might make this more complicated than it needs to be Here is the short version of the larger point of this blog entry: Immortal is listed on Amazon, and you can add it to your wish list right now by clicking here. But wait, don’t click that yet.  I have more to tell you…

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