

“I don’t know how old I am.My earliest memory is something along the lines of fire good, ice bad, so I think I predate written history, but I don’t know by how much. I like to brag that I’ve been there from the beginning, and while this may very well be true, I generally just say it to pick up girls.” —Adam the Immortal

Surviving sixty thousand years takes cunning and more than a little luck. But in the twenty-first century, Adam confronts new dangers—someone has found out what he is, a demon is after him, and he has run out of places to hide. Worst of all, he has had entirely too much to drink.

Immortal is a first person confessional penned by a man who is immortal, but not invincible. In an artful blending of sci-fi, adventure, fantasy, and humor, IMMORTAL introduces us to a world with vampires, demons and other “magical” creatures, yet a world without actual magic.

At the center of the book is Adam.

“I have been in quite a few tight situations in my long life. One of the first things I learned was if there is going to be a mob panic, don’t be standing between the mob and wherever it is they all want to go. The second thing I learned was, don’t try to run through fire.” —Adam the Immortal

Adam is a sixty thousand year old man. (Approximately.) He doesn’t age or get sick, but is otherwise entirely capable of being killed.His survival has hinged on an innate ability to adapt, his wits, and a fairly large dollop of luck. He makes for an excellent guide through history . . . when he’s sober.

Immortal is a contemporary fantasy for non-fantasy readers and fantasy enthusiasts alike.

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Hellenic Immortal


“Very occasionally, I will pop up in the historical record. Most of the time I’m not at all easy to spot, because most of the time I’m just a guy who does a thing and then disappears again into the background behind someone-or-other who’s busy doing something much more important. But there are a couple of rare occasions when I get a starring role.” —Adam the Immortal

An oracle has predicted the sojourner’s end, which is a problem for Adam insofar as he has never encountered an oracular prediction that didn’t come true . . . and he is the sojourner. To survive, he’s going to have to figure out what a beautiful ex-government analyst, an eco-terrorist, a rogue FBI agent, and the world’s oldest religious cult all want with him, and fast.

And all he wanted when he came to Vegas was to forget about a girl. And maybe have a drink or two.

“I am probably not the best source when it comes to who invented what. For a long time I thought I invented the wheel.” —Adam the Immortal

The second book in the Immortal series, Hellenic Immortal follows the continuing adventures of Adam, a sixty-thousand-year-old man with a wry sense of humor, a flair for storytelling, and a knack for staying alive. Hellenic Immortal is a clever blend of history, mythology, sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, mystery and romance. A little something, in other words, for every reader.

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Immortal at the Edge of the World


“What I was currently doing with my time and money . . . didn’t really deserve anyone else’s attention. If I was feeling romantic about it, I’d call it a quest, but all I was really doing was trying to answer a question I’d been ignoring for a thousand years.”

In his very long life, Adam had encountered only one person who seemed to share his longevity: the mysterious red-haired woman. She appeared throughout history, usually from a distance, nearly always vanishing before he could speak to her.

In his last encounter, she actually did vanish—into thin air, right in front of him. The question was how did she do it? To answer, Adam will have to complete a quest he gave up on a thousand years earlier, for an object that may no longer exist.

If he can find it, he might be able to do what the red-haired woman did, and if he can do that, maybe he can find her again and ask her who she is . . . and why she seems to hate him.

“You are being watched. Move your loved ones to safety . . . trust nobody.”

But Adam isn’t the only one who wants the red-haired woman. There are other forces at work, and after a warning from one of the few men he trusts, Adam realizes how much danger everyone is in. To save his friends and finish his quest he may be forced to bankrupt himself, call in every favor he can, and ultimately trade the one thing he’d never been able to give up before: his life.”

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Immortal and the Island of Impossible Things


“I thought I’d miss the world.” —Adam the immortal

Adam is on vacation in an island paradise, with nothing to do and plenty of time to do nothing.

It’s exactly what he needed: beautiful weather, beautiful girlfriend, plenty of books to read, and alcohol to drink. Most importantly, either nobody on the island knows who he is, or, nobody cares.

“This probably sounds boring, and maybe it is. It’s possible I have no compass to help determine boring, or maybe I have a different threshold than most people. From my perspective, though, the vast majority of human history has been boring, by which I mean nothing happened, and sure, that can be dull. On the other hand, nothing happening includes nobody trying to kill anybody, and specifically, nobody trying to kill me. That’s the kind of boring a guy can get behind.” –Adam the immortal

Nothing last forever, though, and that includes the opportunity to do nothing. One day, unwelcome visitors arrive in secret, with impossible knowledge of impossible events, and then the impossible things arrive: a new species.

It’s all impossible, especially to the immortal man who thought he’d seen all there was to see in the world. Now, Adam is going to have to figure out what’s happening and make things right before he and everyone he loves ends up dead in the hot sun of this island paradise.

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Immortal from Hell


Not all of Adam’s stories have happy endings

“Paris is romantic and quests are cool. But the threat of a global pandemic kind of sours the whole thing. The good news was, if all life on Earth were felled by a plague, it looked like this one could take me out too. It’d be pretty lonely otherwise.” —Adam the immortal

When Adam decides to leave the safety of the island, it’s for a good reason: Eve, the only other immortal on the planet, appears to be dying, and nobody seems to understand why. But when Adam–with his extremely capable girlfriend Mirella–tries to retrace Eve’s steps, he discovers a world that’s a whole lot deadlier than he remembered.

Adam is supposed to be dead. He went through a lot of trouble to fake that death, but now that he’s back it’s clear someone remains unconvinced. That wouldn’t be so terrible, except that whoever it is, they have a great deal of influence, and an abiding interest in ensuring that his death sticks this time around.

Adam and Mirella will have to figure out how to travel halfway across the world in secret, with almost no resources or friends. The good news is, Adam solved the travel problem a thousand years earlier. The bad news is, one of his oldest assumptions will turn out to be untrue.

Immortal From Hell is the darkest entry in the Immortal series.

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Immortal at Sea


“If you’ve been around for long enough, you’re bound to experience a few unpleasant things: fires, earthquakes, avalanches, volcanoes, sometimes all on the same afternoon. Boats, I can tell you from first-hand experience, sink. A lot. Sometimes it’s because whoever made the boat for you made a crappy boat. Maybe you made a crappy boat. There is also the occasional psychotically malevolent storm that doesn’t care how well designed your boat is. When you encounter something like that, and the thing you were relying upon to keep you alive ends up sinking, you really want to know you’re not too far from the safety of solid ground.

Oh, and here’s another thing to worry about when you’re in a boat: sea serpents.”
—Adam the immortal

Adam’s adventures on the high seas have taken him from the Mediterranean to the Barbary Coast, and if there’s one thing he learned, it’s that maybe the sea is trying to tell him to stay on dry land.

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Hard-Boiled Immortal


I knew she was bad news the minute she walked into the bar.

She was a redhead. I always had a thing for redheads. One in particular, actually. She was dead, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t holding my breath for a second or two every time I saw another girl with red hair.

This one was very much alive, and once she walked in she was also the life of the room. Men I’d been serving drinks to for years, who smiled so little if you told me they had no teeth I would’ve believed it, lit up like a kid meeting the world’s cutest bunny.

The girl’s name was Lucy and she was there to see a buddy of mine, who we’ll call Al. That wasn’t his name, but Al turned out to be kind of important, and this story is kind of embarrassing for him, so even though he’s not around any more let’s stick with Al.

The redhead was either going to get him killed, or she was going to get me killed. I could tell right away. Call it gut instinct if you want, but I’m alive today because I know what bad news looks like as soon as I see it.

Also, she was a succubus.
—Adam the immortal

The year was 1942, there was a war on, and Adam was having a lot of trouble avoiding the attention of some important people. The kind of people with guns, and ways to make a fella disappear. He was caught somewhere between the mob and the government, and the only way out involved a red-haired dame he was pretty sure he couldn’t trust.

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Immortal and the Madman


“I’m sorry I startled you last evening,” he said. “I get confused. It’s worse at the end of the day.”

“That’s all right,” I said. He was reacting to my words before they came out of my mouth, nodding affirmation. I decided to stick to simple declarative sentences for the moment. “Confused how? You see the future?”

He shifted in his chair. “I experience the future.”

That was different. “Whose future? You can predict? Like a prophet?”

“All futures within my senses. I see them all at once, and I can’t stop it. Your words, my words, they echo forward. Everything happens and will happen and is happening.”

On a nice quiet trip to the English countryside to cope with the likelihood that he has gone a little insane, Adam meets a man who definitely has. The madman’s name is John Corrigan, and he is convinced he’s going to die soon.

He may be right. Because there’s trouble coming, and unless Adam can get his own head together in time, they may die together.

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Yuletide Immortal


The first time I met Santa was in a bar. I was occupying a barstool in the Village in lower Manhattan at the time. It was December, of course—one does not meet Santa in August—and the year was 1955.

It was really Santa, too. And by that I mean it was an overweight gentleman with a long, grey-white beard, a dark red suit with white trim, wire-framed glasses and a balding head. His cheeks were rosy either from the cold or the exertion of hoisting himself up on the barstool. He was not particularly tall.

“What’s the rumpus?” Santa asked.

When he’s in a funk, Adam the immortal man mostly just wants a place to drink and the occasional drinking buddy. When that buddy turns out to be Santa Claus, Adam is forced to face one of the biggest challenges of extremely long life: Christmas cheer. Will Santa break him out of his bad mood? Or will he be responsible for depressing the most positive man on the planet?

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Regency Immortal


“Anna was beautiful and smart and just the right kind of dangerous to get me killed, which was often what I looked for in a woman, to be entirely honest. The interesting ones are somehow almost always the ones who come with life-threatening risk on the side. It keeps my life exciting, and might also explain why I have trust issues.”
—Adam the immortal

Adam has accidentally stumbled upon an important period in history: Vienna in 1814. Mostly, he’d just like to continue to enjoy the local pubs, but that becomes impossible when he meets Anna, an intriguing woman with an unreasonable number of secrets and sharp objects.

Anna is hunting down a man who isn’t exactly a man, and if Adam doesn’t help her, all of Europe will suffer. If Adam does help, the cost may be his own life. It’s not a fantastic set of options. Also, he’s probably fallen in love with her, which just complicates everything.

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